Physical Exams

  • Physician exam, typically every 3 months
  • Foot exam, at least yearly. This looks for evidence of neuropathy (nerve damage), circulation, and for evidence of pressure sores. This can be done by your primary care doctor, endocrinologist, or a foot specialist (podiatrist).
  • Foot pulses, at least yearly. If your are found to have decreased pulse, then a test called “Ankle brachial index” (ABI) should be done to rule out blockages in the arteries due to peripheral artery disease. 
  • Weight, typically every 3 months
  • Blood pressure, typically every 3 months
  • Dilated eye exam (optometrist or ophthalmologist), yearly. This exam looks for evidence of diabetes-related damage to the eyes, called retinopathy. 
  • Dental exam, yearly. Periodontal disease is more severe in people with diabetes, and can make blood sugars run higher.

Lab Testing


  • Pneumococcus– Once before age 65, and a second time after age 65. This is a vaccine that reduces the chance of developing pneumonia, which can be very serious in someone with diabetes. Patients over age 65 years need a second dose if vaccine was received ≥5 years previously and age was less than 65 years at time of vaccination.
  • Influenza– Annually
  • Hepatitis B– One 3 dose series

Diabetes Education Review and Refresher

Every 1-2 years