
  • Your total carbohydrate intake should be below 100 grams per day, and less than 1400 calories per day. You may personalize this goal based off your physical parameters.
  • You are not permitted to eat anything outside of this menu, except for 1 “cheat meal” per week where you can eat out if you wish.
  • Eat 2 meals per day. The order of the meals is just a suggestion. Some people omit some of the lunch options and repeat meals multiple days, and that is fine. 
  • Eat up to 2 snacks/desserts from snack and dessert list. Fruit counts as a snack. 
  • Drink only water, tea, coffee, and sugar-free beverages. 


  • You should already have the pantry items.
  • The meal plan has an option to print out a shopping list (or you can just read the list using your smart phone. You can even cross items off the list while shopping by tapping on the name of the item) 

Lunches this week:

  • Astro veggie burger: 350 calories, 35gm carb.
  • Smoked salmon salad: 165 calories, 2gm carb. If you like smoked salmon, it is a perfect food for lunches as it is low calorie, low carb, packed with flavor, and requires no cooking! This salad is ready in a flash, as you just need to cut up some green onion, cucumber, radish, and dill.
  • The weird al. 550 calories, 54gm carb. Roasted red peppers, basil pesto, mayo, goats cheese, red onion, and spinach on a baguette.
  • Trejo burritos: 550 calories, 45gm carb

Dinners this week: